Mental health, healing, testimonial, customers, great job, healed, energy, activity, good mood, positive thoughts

Our clients are at the center of everything we do. Our goal is to listen, learn, and help begin building as many healthy healing journeys as we can.

Here's what they're saying...

     "Reflection to Healing Academy with Dr. Nicole S. Jackson is an amazing way to discover your Resilience on your journey of healing. This beautiful, amazing, educated, straight to the point with a touch of compassion, and dedicated women are a few words to describe Dr. Nicole S. Jackson. Her approach to my healing journey gracefully opened my eyes, actually my heart and mind, to understanding and feeling every emotion that I have compressed for so long. It’s healing from the inside out. Her straight to the point but with compassion way of letting you know what you need to do was exactly what I needed. In order to grasp my thoughts that started to take over my every day of living. I gained so many tools during the time spent with Dr. Nicole S. Jackson. I know I will forever have her touch upon my soul, her words within my mind, and her passion with so much dedication in my heart.

    Dr. Nicole S. Jackson truly has the gift of healing others on their journey. For me, I felt so honored for her to be a part of my healing journey and I THANK YOU so much, Dr. Nicole S. Jackson, for helping me gain control of myself again. The Lord is already knowing how many lives you have and will touch. So, I strongly suggest and encourage whoever needs to heal from a traumatic experience and gain control of their lives again. This is lady to speak to trust me it's worth it. She is complementary to my healing and so are the people in my life now. "

Hilary L.

   "When I joined in on my first session of the Healing Academy, I did not exactly know what to expect. I was in a dark place as I was dealing with very fresh trauma (that obviously was triggering past trauma) and I felt vulnerable and afraid. I have made high functioning anxiety an Olympic sport and I did not really want to let my walls down, so I was a bit “closed off” at first. 

   As a trauma survivor herself, Dr. Nicole could relate to all of us in the group. Immediately within the first week, I felt like, through her guidance and coaching, I was discovering emotions and feelings that I was not aware of... that were parts of my trauma needing to come to the surface to heal.

    Throughout the entire process of my recovery, I felt supported and heard. Dr. Nicole coached and led each week at a pace that never rushed our healing. The group environment was exactly what my recovery needed as I felt supported and loved. Dr. Nicole had a genuine willingness to take the time to get to know me, coach me through my journey, and still follow up with me after the course was complete to make sure I am on the right path. I am blessed to have been a part of the Healing Academy!"

Meghan W.

       "During, my time with Dr. Nicole, it has been truly amazing. I will be forever grateful to her for providing me with the necessary tools to start my healing process and empower me to move forward in my healing. She is an amazing woman with a great deal of knowledge and skills to aid me on my journey of healing. One of the things I learned is healing is possible and available to me. I truly thank you doctor Nicole and wish you continued success in your endeavors."

Lashawndia T.

     "Dr. Nicole Jackson and the Healing Academy have really changed my life for the better. I’ve always struggled with anxiety and was lost on how to deal with it on my own. Speaking with Dr. Jackson and going through the Healing Academy taught me how to manage my anxiety and made me feel empowered. Being in the Healing Academy allowed me to open up about my personal traumas and gave me a since of understanding once I identified my “ground zero”. Now, thanks to Dr. Jackson, I feel a since of freedom from the darkness of my past, and have a replaced the anger, sadness and confusion from my past with peace and clarity. Thank you so much, Dr. Jackson! I truly appreciate you more than words can express. All the best."

 Ashley B

   " Dr. Jackson, you're the person that has gotten through to me, better than anyone else I've ever met. Your words have stuck so far, your intentions & words are real & I never thought I would see this kind of progress in such a short amount of time. I'm dealing with years of trying to heal not knowing how to get to a healthy point in my life & you've given me some of those tools needed. I love knowing that there is someone knowledgeable & willing to help others grow & be the best versions of themselves. All the counseling I've received in the past has not been as successful as this. You've been a compliment to my journey in forgiving myself & others, trying to get rid of the guilt I carry on my shoulders, gaining some but still working on the self-esteem issues, they seem to stand in the way, & coping.."

Sarah C.

     "I loved the academy it has helped me throw a lot. The techniques I have gotten from this and learned I already had have been beyond amazing. The people in this group have been beyond wonderful and quite funny. When I make friends, I will suggest they come to this safe space if it seems like they have things they should get help working throw."

Faith King-Basey

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